Shabbat Service!
February 8th
9:30 am
Join us in our building our new kehillah.(272 Codsell Ave., North York, enter from Wilson Heights entrance)
Looking for a location for a meaningful Bat or Bar Mitzvah?
BMJC/Kol Yisroel at the Borochov is now offering rabbinically supervised events without the huge costs of other venues. Contact us for details!
Ask yourself what YOU want in a kehilla.
If YOU were building a synagogue, what would be YOUR priorities? We have adult discussions about the parsha, about Zionism, about OUR roles in society.
Have YOU tried meaningful and adult Judaism, without the narishkiet? Join US and find out.
This video pretty much sums up our philosophy on Jewish life. Please watch it!
The big question;
Our core group is composed of involved members of the Toronto Jewish Community, including rabbis, past-presidents and board members of local synagoguges
for want more from their kehillah.
We are students of Jewish knowledge, Zionist, comminity oriented yet welcome those who are looking for a place to be part of a minyan on Shabbat.
For more information about the neighbourhood, visit